Pernah diwawancarai wartawan?

Bagaimana pengalaman kalian setelah diwawancarai oleh wartawan media massa?  
saya mau sharing pengalaman saya setelah diwawancarai wartawan 3 hari yang lalu.
saya kecewa sekali dengan terbitan koran Radar Malang hari ini (31/10/13)
saya tidak menyangka hasil wawancara dengan yang ada dikoran hari ini sangat berbeda 180 derajat. hanya ada satu dua kata-kata yang benar. baca judulnya aja sudah geregetan "Deryan Everestha M-Eriska Triana P, Dua Siswi Peraih Prestasi di Mozilla Summit 2013 AS. Karyanya Bikin Kesengsem Pakar Teknologi Dunia"

halaman pertama

halaman lanjutan

saya ingin menjelaskan bahwa saya dengan teman saya Deryan Everestha Maured tidak membuat aplikasi "Mozilla Mobile". padahal disana bukan acara lomba atau apa. acaranya disana gathering, ngumpul-ngumpul bareng komunitas mozilla antar negara. yang disetiap sesi kelasnya ngomongin banyak hal tentang mozilla kedepannya itu gimana, apa yang kita lakukan sebagai mozillian, dll. kita tidak tahu kenapa bisa diundang untuk menghadiri acara Mozilla Summit 2013. bukan karena kita membuat "Mozilla Mobile" terus kita dapat email undangan untuk hadir di acara Mozilla Summit 2013. BUKAN! itu tidak benar. itu sudah menjadi keputusan dari panitia mozsummit untuk mengundang kita. mungkin saya dan deryan salah dua orang yang beruntung mendapatkan undangan mozilla summit. saya ke kantor Google waktu itu hanya jalan-jalan disekitarnya saja, tidak sampe masuk kedalam gedungnya. kita tidak mengunjungi Perusahaan NASA kita hanya melewati saja. pada saat itu kita selesai kunjungan ke Kantor Mozilla Space Mountain View, CA. nah kebetulan nglewatin NASA. tetapi wartawannya kenapa melebih-lebihkan beritanya seperti itu. saya dan deryan sudah komplain ke wartawannya. tetapi wartawannya dengan santai menjawab "santai saja mbak itu cuma judul aja kok" judul aja katanya, sudah jelas-jelas isinya juga berubah semua. mungkin sebagian orang yang tidak tahu berita aslinya mereka fine-fine aja dengan berita ini. apalagi buat temen-temen dan kakak-kakak alumni bangga dengan kita dan almamater sekolah kita yang tercinta. tetapi bagi saya dan deryan ini sangat memalukan. bukan berita yang membanggakan, karena sebagian besar isi dari berita tersebut tidak benar. saya sendiri baca berita itu merasa jijik, malu karena dengan isinya yang tidak benar. saya dan deryan minta maaf kepada semua pihak yang merasa terbohongi dengan adanya berita ini. kita sama sekali tidak berniat menjelek-jelekan almamater yang selama ini sudah dijaga dengan baik. beritanya kelihatan sangat membanggakan sekali, namun malah menjadi berita terlihat yang sangat tidak membanggakan (jelek) yah, nasi sudah menjadi bubur

dengan kejadian ini saya mendapatkan banyak pelajaran. kita harus lebih berhati-hati dalam segala hal. baik tingkah laku, perkataan dan perbuatan. selalu saya ingat "attitude is everything" 
sekali lagi saya dan deryan minta maaf yang sebesar-besarnya dengan berita lebay itu. sukses selalu buat kalian semua, tetap semangat untuk meraih impian, mimpi dan cita-cita. Never Give Up!
terus belajar dan belajar.

dari hati yang paling dalam
saya dan deryan

minta maaf yg sebesar-besarnya

Mozilla Summit 2013 - Photowalk

The morning event, photo walk! brr *freeze*
is not entered the schedule, only initiative Roland and Ludo. it's still early in the morning cold was roving around the hotel.

good morning Marriot Santa Clara courtesy of othree

thanks Allah. so far my legs are still strong :))

Mission College Street

Shrine of Our Lady of Peace courtesy of othree

i wanna see sunrise ^^

walking together. entah saya mau cerita apa sama pak rdj. bukannya nglamak tangan saya pegang pundaknya pk rdj -_- courtesy of @nurikidy

Jump! courtesy of @nurikidy

horeeee! courtesy of @nurikidy

sebenarnya ini saya cuma jd model buat cari spot cahaya dibelakang saya :p tapi thank you om @nurikidy :))

+Deryan Everestha +Rahmat Djatmiko  courtesy of @nurikidy

+Irayani Queencyputri  +Nuri Abidin 

I found this photo on flickr. but i forgot who the flick account. thank you for taking picture us.

happy photo walk ^^

The photo below have different of viewpoints. because it's got the camera a lot. camera are everywhere :p

courtesy of othree

what are they did? courtesy of othree

baaaaa. courtesy of vikingkarwur

where you focus? courtesy of vikingkarwur

after that time for breakfast! i like the place. cool :))
i had chat with one of the mozilla. again and again I forget her name.

breakfast. courtesy of vikingkarwur

the first day is cool! meet new people. we shares stories. much less tells us long trip to Santa Clara from their countries. full of struggles and sacrifices. arrived here paid with happiness :))

I'm Mozillian from Indonesia

eriska primayasari

Mozilla Summit 2013 - Welcome Reception

Welcome Reception!
then all the people from different countries all gathered there. The first dinner, dinner were so cool!
i came a bit late because i overslept. my body is so tired. BUT! all that is lost when meeting with new people, we introduced ourselves. they're cool. we immediately joined, when it happened to me joined a table with the Chinese.

Yuan Xulei , two his friend, Ray You, Mr. Rahmat, Deryan and me courtesy of @nurikidy

Yuan Xulei told me that at his country not use twitter and facebook. because his country has problem with use twitter and facebook. but his country has a special social media in china. i forget the name of social media. they dare to activated twitter account and facebook while in Santa Clara. I'm sure time their account is inactive. because they have returned to their home country. nice to meet you. i hope we can meet next time. maybe next #MozSummit? ^^

Welcome Mozillians!!!

me with deryan my roommate, classmate, boarding mate. everything :))

i love the app behind me. which displays photos of all social media. who use hastag #MozSummit

The first dinner was so cool. I don't believed was in their part. soluble in their conversation, this is very far from what i thought. could felt the #MozSummit is very cool! awesome!

keep in touch with reading my blog!
from Indonesia

eriska primayasari

Mozilla Summit 2013 - Welcome Kit pick up

after long trip from Surabaya (SUB) to Jakarta (CGK) then Jakarta (CGK) to Singapore (SIN) after that connecting flight from Singapore (SIN) to Tokyo/Narita (NRT) then Tokyo/Narita to San Jose (SJC) yeeey finally, welcome to US :)) thank you ANA for a nice flight.
The airport is located 2 NM (3.7 km; 2.3 mile) northwest of Downtown San Jose.
after that we have to pass throught immigration first, and it turned out very long queue -_- almost 1-1.5 hours we could get out from airport. after going through immigration we had been awaited by organizer #MozSummit they check who is coming. a few minutes later bus pickup is coming.

me with my legal guardian :p hello! courtesy of @nurikidy 

hello we are mozillian from Indonesia :)) courtesy of @bennychandra

say hello to san jose w/ @rara79 courtesy of @nurikidy

bus is coming!!! courtesy of @nurikidy

this is incredible! for the first i stayed at the hotel. Santa Clara Marriott my first lodging. arriving at the hotel we checked in. and finally i got room 2630 with roommate Deryan :))
previously, i headed sedona room for lunch. because available from 12pm to 2pm. so go there first :p

at Sedona room. open 24 hours!

grab what you need to get! courtesy of  othree

3 T-shirt for 3 days!

I'm Mozillian from Indonesia :))

the beautiful room key. courtesy of othree

the view from room 2630

after that i tried to rest a while after a very long trip. i had pillow face :|

at 6pm to 10pm i had a dinner. wait for the next post, keep in touch with reading my blog!

i'm mozillian from indonesia

eriska primayasari

Mozilla Summit 2013 - Santa Clara, California

this is amazing!
this is exciting!
this is awesome!
this is my first time attended Mozilla Summit
this is my first flight
this is my first long trip
this is my first time met with many people who come from different countries

I feel great, difficult to express in words. how not happy, someone who has never been on a plane once on a plane directly to the American continent. reached by traveling so far. 24 hours! who would not be jet lag? but it was all defeated by a sense of fun, happy that passionate. This unforgettable experience. will always be stored in my life! Thank you very much for a memorable experience.

from Indonesia with love

eriska primayasari