Mozilla Summit 2013 - California's Great America

hari kedua!
di Santa Clara pagi, di Indonesia Malam. hehe
dari jendela kamar hotel masih kelihatan gelap, tapi itu sudah jam 05.00 pagi
brr bukan dingin lagi, tapi beku! 7-9 derajat men! sampe hidung mau mimisan :')
udah pake selimut tebel masih aja kedinginan, haha padahal rumahnya di malang tapi masih aja kedinginan. di malang sih gak sedingin di santa clara :3
biasanya kalo di Indonesia jam segitu udah tidur, tetapi disana harus bangun, semangat untuk mengikuti kegiatan acara disana. bangun, mandi, sholat, sarapan sudah disiapin. hmm saya sarapan lebih banyak ngambil buah dan kentang sih :)

disana waktu begitu cepat berlalu. hehe mungkin saya menikmati kegiatan disana jadinya berasa cepet banget. disana siangnya lebih panjang daripada malamnya. baru tidur 3-4 jam eh udah pagi lagi. jadi maklum kalo pas siangnya disana saya ngantuk banget soalnya harusnya itu jam tidurnya di Indonesia :D

courtesy of othree
coffee, setiap pagi mbak ini udah stand by disana. walaupun didalem ada starbuck tapi tetep rame disini :p *iyalah lahwong gratis* hehe rasanya juga gak kalah kok sama starbuck coffee
kita tinggal ngantri trus request kopinya. hmm lumayan buat ngangetin badan karena udara disana yang begitu dingin. *slurrp*

after breakfast! langsung menuju Ballroom dan mengikuti acara hari kedua.
pas pagi itu juga saya ngambil tiket buat ke California's Great America. keliatannya dari tiketnya sih serem, soalnya disana menyambut halloween jadinya temanya halloween gitu. gapapalah meskipun aslinya takut buat ikutan kesana :3

beberapa cuplikan slide waktu "Health of the Web Report" 

eh ada bang Josh Carpenter, salah satu staff Mozilla. dia Senior UX Designer, Firefox OS. saya gak sadar ternyata satu meja sama dia, kesempatan buat bisa ngobrol bareng dia hehe. saya sama dery berniat untuk menceritan event tahunan disekolah kita yaitu Wikufest. kita tanya sama dia, apakah dia mau datang buat acara Wikufest nanti buat jadi keynote speaker. dia jawab mau datang pas acara Wikufest. wow kita tinggal ngirim proposal ke emailnya dia. yey dapet kartu namanya juga, kesempatan nih kesempatan!

gantian saya pas Innovation Fair saya ngobrol sama salah satu staff Mozilla juga. nama lengkapnya saya lupa pokok panggilannya Bred. waktu Innovation Fair dia demoin tentang Webmaker. jadi aslinya siapa pun itu bisa bikin web dan bikin web itu gak susah! gampang banget. salah satu aplikasi yang dibuat oleh Mozilla. Thimble bisa dibuka disini
gampang banget kan? selain webmaker ada juga appmaker siapa bilang bikin aplikasi mobile itu susah? mozilla punya solusinya yaitu lewat appmaker. tinggal drag and drop doang! ada lagi nih Popcorn Maker . ini aplikasi bukan buat masak popcorn ya *plak*  ini aplikasinya buat bikin video atau media clip. kenapa dinamain popcorn maker? saya sih nangkepnya biasanya kalo kita nonton film di bioskop makan popcorn kan? hehe mungkin itu salah satu alesannya :p eh saya juga nyeritain tentang Wikufest loh sama dia, dia mau banget datang ke acara Wikufest. hmm dah dapet dua orang yang mau jadi keynote speaker nih, semoga nanti bisa datang beneran! amiin ^_^ saya nyesel banget pas open session gak datang ke kelasnya, saya ketiduran, hiks :') padahal dia nyuruh aku buat dateng loh. I'm so sorry, Bred :')

courtesy of othree
horee welcome to California's Great America! ini pas malam minggunya disana loh. di Indonesia udah minggu tapi disana baru malam mingguan. horee malam minggu paling mengesankan sepanjang masa! main bareng orang bule-bule dan melihat dunia malam disana. hmm u know? disana tempat rekreasi kalau tambah malam tambah rame! dan disana banyak anak remaja yang seumuran saya dan mungkin umurnya dibawah saya, have fun gitu hangout bareng temen-temennya pas malem-malem gitu. saya berasa di film-film gitu *plak* hehe biasanya saya melihat kehidupan malam diluar negri cuma lewat film, tapi saya sudah melihat secara nyata! iya nyata.

courtesy of othree

karena disana mau menyambut Halloween jadi tempat rekreasinya temanya Halloween gitu. serem, nakutin. IYA! mereka kreatif banget buat narik pengunjung dengan buat tema halloween yang seserem ini. tapi lebih serem liat hantunya Indonesia sih. kalo hantunya luar negri itu yang serem efek suaranya ituloh :') ditambah dulu efek asap-asapnya itu. disana gak ketemu hantu pocong, kuntilanak, dkk. wkwk oh ya pas dimintain foto mereka gak mau, mereka malah marah-marah. haha baru tau ada hantu marah-marah :p apalagi pas hantunya nakut-nakutin terus aku kacangin eh dia langsung diem dan kabur. hihi ciyan udah capek-capek nakutin eh malah aku kacangin HAHAHA

apa karena kita udah nyeremin jadinya hantunya kabur? hmm :3

hehe masa kecil kurang bahagia? enggak lagi pengen aja naik kuda-kudaan wkwk

courtesy of othree
disana main gamenya hadiahnya gak nanggung2 bonekanya besar2! huwaa saya mau, tapi pikir-pikir juga bawa pulangnya gimana? koperku gak muat :p
happy satnite banget!

with a thousand love ♥


Mozilla Summit 2013 - Firefox OS Dinner

makan malam termewah sepanjang masa!
luxurious dinner of all time!

sebelumnya saya tidak pernah makan malam semewah ini, hehe anak kos makannya cuma di warung-warung deket kos :p yey ini makan malam dalam rangka peluncuran firefox os, dan taraaa ini pestanya. demi apa saya ngrasa udik banget tapi saya tetep stay cool datang ke acara makan malam semewah ini hihi :3

courtesy of  othree
seperti ini suasana meja dan kursi yang sudah tertata rapi untuk makan malam. beruntung banget saya bisa diundang di acara ini. untuk pertama kalinya menghadiri acara internasional, dan untuk pertama kalinya makan malam dihotel. udik kan udik banget :3 tapi tetep stay cool dong B)

courtesy of othree
semua menu yang disajikan sudah ditulis disitu, menunya baca sendiri yaa :)

courtesy of othree
salad, waktu itu saya langsung duduk, tidak membaca kertas yang berisi menu-menu yang akan disajikan. dalam hati saya berkata "what! yang bener aja makan malamnya cuma salad aja, aku kan gak suka sayur. hngg aku laper. makan siang tadi juga cuma makan salad, dan sekarang salad lagi. mmm sukses deh ngejalani program diet disini." haha riska ndesooo banget sih! wkwk

courtesy of othree
beberapa menit kemudian, makanan pembuka akhirnya datang! gak ada nasi kan? iya disini emang gak ada nasi. adanya kalo gak roti ya kentang. tapi saya bener-bener kenyang makan mashed potatoes + chicken. dan akhirnya saya tidak habis -_-

courtesy of othree
dessert, makanan penutup. white chocolate cheescake, mmm enak! sumpah enak. tapi karena waktu itu saya sudah kekenyangan dan akhirnya tidak habis juga. sayang sekali gitu kalo inget pas makan mesti gak habis, disana emang porsinya 2x dari porsi di Indonesia. yaa saya tidak bisa memaksa perut kecil saya :3

courtesy of othree
setelah makan malam, karaoke time! oh ya disana wine ada dimana-dimana. haha saya ngerasa salah tempat wkwk pas semuanya bawa botol-botol atau gelas yang isinya wine, saya bawa gelas yang isinya orange juice :p 

courtesy of +Nuri Abidin 
eh ternyatanya namanya abang ini bang Jamie, hehe habis dapet komen dari om +Nuri Abidin :p
dan nggak nyanyiin lagunya Bon Jovi, nyanyiin lagunya Tonic yang judulnya If You Could Only See
liat deh nih videonya, dengerin suaranya. kereeeen!

keren kan? kereen banget, dia punya suara yang emas. setiap orang memiliki kekurangan dan kelebihan. melihat orang itu saya jadi sadar selama ini saya kurang bekerja keras, belajar lebih rajin. subhanallah :)
oh ya yang nyanyi disana suaranya keren-keren loh. apa mereka semua artis ya? :3

@eriskatp  ^^

Mozilla Summit 2013 - Group Photo

and then we had scheduled group photo session!
in Brussels and Toronto also did group photo, and its certainly there are fox! 
fox has become the mascot of Mozilla!
cool photos along with nearly 600 people in each country.

Group Photo at Brussels. courtesy of flickr - #mozsummit
Group Photo at Toronto. courtesy of flickr - #mozsummit

Group Photo at Santa Clara. Courtesy of flickr - #mozsummit

I didn't visible. I was so small, standing between tall and big peoples. I was there like a small ant between big giraffe. so that my face is not visible >,<
but at least the Indonesian flag is seen in front. proud!

courtesy of flickr - #mozsummit
yey! finally i found a photo of me, although it only looks my veil from behind

courtesy of flickr - #mozsummit
fox seen being was appointed together by the participants #mozsummit .

Thank you for reading

Eriska Triana P.

Mozilla Summit 2013 - Opening and Classes!

Friday, October 4th, 2013

Mozilla Summit officially opened!
Tristan Nitot gave a speech as the host in Santa Clara.

"A fresh look at who we are, what we believe, and how we work
 Build the internet the world needs" - Mitchell Baker -
Winifred Mitchell Baker, better known simply as Mitchell Baker, is the Chairperson of the Mozilla Foundation and Chairperson and former Chief Executive Officer of the Mozilla Corporation, a subsidiary of the Mozilla Foundation that coordinates development of the open source Mozilla Internet applications, including the Mozilla Firefox web browser and the Mozilla Thunderbird email client.
Baker was trained as a lawyer. She coordinates business and policy issues and sits on both the Mozilla Foundation Board of Directors and the Mozilla Corporation Board of Directors. In 2005, Time magazine included her in its annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world and she has been affectionately given the title of "Chief Lizard Wrangler" at the Mozilla Corporation.
source: wikipedia

i hope someday i meet with Mitchell Baker amiin ^^
the first day of the opening was so cool. seen video Mitchell Baker who became speaker in Brussels but recorded also in Toronto and Santa Clara.

through the theme of The Nature of Mozilla.
Mitchel Baker conveyed about the Mozilla mission is
"to build internet the world needs. Internet that is open, innovative, internet where people come first, have same opportunities and where people have as much as control over their online life"

Mitchell Baker keynote presentation at Mozilla's Summit 2013 on the Nature of Mozilla. live in Brussels, recorded in TO and SC courtesy of othree
thanks languages of different countries.  courtesy of othree
you must watch this video "What the Fox Say"
it very very funny ^^

after the opening, World Fair Session!
Circulate amongst small stands showcasing Mozilla communities from around the world.
Indonesia's most crowded table in between the tables of other countries. many who visited our table because a lot of interesting souvenirs. they are so interested in Indonesia. *alhamdulillah*

courtesy of othree

courtesy of othree
Kumi! This is very cute at all. Kumi is the name of the mascot of Mozilla Indonesia Community.
you can download kumi papertoy in here

courtesy of othree
a few days before heading Mozilla Summit 2013 I had made ​​a doodle. collaborated with my friend, Ida Yusnilawati. I drew kumi in the middle and she is completed doodle around kumi.
tarrraaaa..... when I to Mozilla Office at Mountain View, CA. I handed our homemade doodle to Lorry (one of the staff Mozilla) and she said "cool". I so glad! our doodle displayed at the Mozilla Office at Mountain View, CA.

series sessions on the main theme chosen by the Assembly of Delegates summit facilitated by people all over the community Mozillian. Each session will take place in three cities and will run twice so that we can attend two. 1:00 and 2:45 time slots.
courtesy of othree
at the first time I entered the classroom sessions "What does "Mozillian" mean?"

Track: Purpose and Strategy 

A hands-on session to define the identity of Mozillians, historically and as we evolve. Towards building scope and identity as a community. Consider new domains, like news and science. Do partners count? Who do we count? What are we trying to build? Who are we inviting?

every entered class I always sleepy. very sleepy! I might still jet lag. have not been able adapt to the time slept there.  >.<

and the second class "Amplifying Mozilla: From Wearing T-shirts to Sharing Online"

Track: Purpose and Strategy 

A look into the emotional connection that explains why we wear our brand proudly. This session will explore what the Mozilla brand means for different individuals and will focus on how Mozillians can share the brand with the world.

this class we can get a free T-shirt. instead there is take two to three shirts. I only took one shirt. because my bag was full with books, gadgets, drinking bottles, etc.. to get free t-shirts we just tweet what we think about mozilla. This my tweet at that time

courtesy of othree

hour break arrived, already available outside food like this. but at that time I just took the potato snack, because I lost my appetite because of sleepiness that I could not take it anymore. I was really sleepy, my eyes are like glue. hard to open eyes wide. and finally I chose to come back to the bedroom and sleep.
the food is so tease right? there are many delicious foods, but I find it unremarkable because sometimes I do not feel hungry because of too happy to follow the event that took place there.

keep in touch with reading my blog!
thank you :)

Eriska Triana