Maker Party #MozPicnic

hello, yesterday I'm attended maker party at Taman Suropati, Menteng, Central Jakarta.
one day before it, at night I'm attended also #MozKopdarJKT. it's so fun, can attended this event. this event so special because there is two staff Mozilla came to Indonesia. Gen Kanai (From Japan) & Michelle Thorne (From Germany) I hope next time can make a maker party event. yes, of course I'll make it!
yesterday we made a web without laptop. how can? we can made it! seriously, is so much fun! love you all, you're make this event make me happy. although I'm very tired, after had a traffic jam on the way from my boarding house to this park. and you know, I don't know this park before it. but, I'm sure. I definitely arrived at destination safely :)

bro yofie have a hobby to take a close up photo, he would be take a close up photo each people there. hihi

this is our picnic land!

#MozKopdarJKT at night before #MozPicnic

this is, Ms. Michelle Thorne from Germany. Michelle Thorne (born January 15, 1985) is an American-born, Berlin, Germany-based Creative Commons activist. She holds a BA summa cum laude in Critical Social Thought and German Studies from Mount Holyoke College, USA, where she wrote an honors thesis on authorship, originality, and American copyright law. Thorne grew up in Heidelberg, Germany. She worked as the international project manager for Creative Commons from 2007 to 2011 and joined the Mozilla Foundation as Global Event Strategist in 2011. She is a founding member of the Awesome Foundation Berlin.

this is the answer, me make a web with post-it to write the HTML code, it's so simple, easy and fun right? we still can learn to make a web without laptop, everyone can make it! lets #teachtheweb!

yey, there is learn and play the game. make we free to laugh. freedom! lets spend your weekend with do something usefull.

this photo above, when I programmed them, a sort of bully so. there is some of my seniors, they may bully me as a junior. hehe peace :D

we also make a small group to discussion about application will we create, so we must drawing the application. how our application will run.

so this is, our application. my group project "Peta Jakarta" - mbak bhekti group "FunCam" - mas yulio group "Anti-Kepo Tag"

oh ya, you know mas yulio love to take a selfie photo. he always take selfie with everyone. you can call he a "mas mas sosialita" peace, because he very addict to take a photo. everywhere with everyone. haha :p

and this is have to do, photo group with some people must pose in front of like that, pose like "putri duyung"

yey, finally this event running successful and all people enjoy. I'm so grateful being Mozillian, exactly! thank you all! see you next time.

PS: photo by Yofie Setiawan
I'm Eriska and I'm a Mozillian ♥

Wisata Alam Bedengan with SAWI

hai hello, lagi schoolsick nih -.-
emang bener, masa masa paling indah itu disekolah. berasa cepet banget sekolah 3 tahun. gak kerasa sama sekali. mungkin saya terlalu menikmati sekolah jadi ngerasa cepet banget secepat aku ketemu kamu. emang sih dulu pas sekolah pengennya liburan terus, gamau sama tugas-tugas sekolahnya. tapi sekarang jadi kangen banget, pengen pake seragam, duduk dikelas, dapet pelajaran, nulis pelajaran, sampe bobok dikelas atau nonton film dikelas hahaha. enakkan kerjaannya habis gitu dapet uang jajan juga. apalagi yang paling penting itu ketemu temen-temen disekolah.
apalagi kelas 12 kemarin waktunya singkat banget, kepotong prakerin 4 bulan. habis gitu kita harus war dengan UN. jadi pejuangUN yang super sibuk belajar, padahal malah nyantai nyantai aja peace :p
jadi pagi sampe sore kita pelajaran biasa trus pulangnya drill sampe menjelang maghrib. pulang drill ada les juga. woaah sibuk sekali yaa, sampe lupa makan, lupa pacar juga padahal jomblo  yaa semua itu kita lewati, tak terasa perjuangan kita selesai sudah dan kita perpisah :") see you next time guys!

hahaha saya mau posting foto kelas saya yang super super love adventure banget! ♥
iya saking lovenya kita berangkat pagi-pagi dan sampai sana langsung disuguhi pemandangan yang masyaAllah banget indahnya. seger gitu liat ijo-ijo. hahaha meskipun ada yang nyasar juga, tapi seru!

mainan air sebelum kecebur disungai -.-

jahahaha ceritanya saya habis mainan air terus mau nyebrang ketempat ini, eh ditengah-tengah saya kepleset dan.... 123 byuuur trus diketawain deh sama temen-temen saya. asyeeem malu-maluin kecebur segala -.- hahaha tapi seger loh :p

riska gitu meski habis kecebur diajakin foto tetep stay cool :p hahaha

mereka menemukan tempat tinggal mereka, lihat wajah bahagianya :p


hahaha postingan kali ini banyakan fotonya yaa, soalnya yang bawa kamera juga banyak :p
jadinya fotonya nyebar dimana-mana. aku kangen sawi, aaaah kalian luar biasa gilanya! hahaha
balik yuk balik sekolah lagi :") sukses buat kalian semuaa. nanti kita adain reuni yaa rek. jangan lupa kabar-kabar. miss you all, love you ♥ 

from jakarta with love

Riska ♥